All you need to know about “Happy To Help” badges

Nowadays, people from all sorts of professions can be seen wearing badges; however, the retail and hospitality industries are the ones that primarily use them. To them, the customer is the main focus: after all, when working there, you want to make sure your customers will at all times feel comfortable, content and even happy; then again, achieving such things sometimes may prove to be a tad difficult - customers may be troubled about something - even with the most minor of things - but are not prone to seeking help. Happy To Help badges are there to assist you in handling such scenarios!

Investing in badges - a secret to success

Companies are not blind to the trend of introducing the badges among their workforce - after all, they increase brand recognition. To delve further into this topic, workers in the retail and hospitality industries are expected to wear name badges as they bring many benefits to the work environment, benefits such as:

  • Safety - with easily identifiable badges, it can be ensured that the whole environment is in order and that there are no breaches, which on the primal level will always ensure the customer feels at ease.
  • Brand Recognition - your badge tells a story in itself; the colours used in a design, the fonts and even the materials which were used in production reflect your brand’s core values.
  • Communication - most people will agree that they are not good with names, which is completely fair, and one of the reasons why badges exist; once you know someone’s name, communication is smoother, and that translates into better performance.

Not all employees in such industries have the same duties, but they do share one mutual duty - the duty to help the customers, which leads us to the following point:

  • Customer Relations - Wearing unique name badges, or additional, specialised Happy To Help badges communicates to the customers that the employees are more approachable, which makes them stand out in their duties.

Seeing Happy To Help badges makes asking for help that much easier

Our button badges are a great addition to the standard name badges - lighter and more fun badges that communicate that the person wearing them is there to help you. Do note, however, that the badges exist to supplement the existing strengths the wearer has, not replace them. And the strengths are:

  • Communicative - The person is empathetic, self-aware and able to adapt to each and every customer’s style of communication.
  • Knowledgeable - It is not necessary to know everything, but being able to accommodate the queries of the help-seeker is necessary; in the case, something is too complicated, or beyond the badge-wearers knowledge, the badge-wearer can always resort to asking someone else above them, which further alleviates any restraint the help-seeker would have.
  • Can-do Attitude - There are no silly questions, and everything can be solved.
  • Charismatic - Finally, it would be best if the badge-wearers are radiating positive energy; one cannot appear to be threatening in any way.

The psychology behind asking for help

Under the right circumstances - yes, people will ask for help. Humans are psychologically hard-wired to elude asking for help, and the reasons are rather simple - we tend to shy away from doing so due to fear of being rejected or sounding ridiculous. Naturally, as our later stage of evolution brought us civilisation and with that, communities, we started depending on others much more and have thus begun asking for help from our fellow man more than our primitive relatives would - today we actually underestimate how much people are willing to help if asked - and people will help.

On that note, the reasons above are to be fully taken into account to utilise positively the benefits of wearing Happy To Help badges.

Are you looking to acquire your own, specialised Happy To Help badges? Get in touch with Badgemaster experts who can provide the advice you need! Give them a call at 01623 723112, or try your hand out with their free badge-designer tool online!


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