7 Ways Badges Can Help Promote Inclusivity in the NHS

Inclusivity lies at the heart of the National Health Service (NHS). It’s the foundation upon which patients can receive safe, equitable care and healthcare workers can thrive in a diverse and respectful environment. 

One method that contributes to promoting inclusivity is the use of NHS badges for healthcare workers. These include:

Each of these items serves as more than just simple identification. 

They convey important information and create an atmosphere of understanding and acceptance that transfers from healthcare professionals to patients. 

Different styles of NHS badges for healthcare workers support inclusivity and diversity in the NHS and promote better communication among staff and when speaking with patients.

The following seven name badges are an excellent way of boosting inclusivity within the healthcare sector.

1. Name Badges

A simple name badge can make a big difference to patients in healthcare settings. 

Displaying the names of healthcare workers allows patients to address them directly, promoting a sense of familiarity and connection. 

The iconic "#hello my name is" badges for healthcare workers have become synonymous with person-centred care and are used in medical establishments nationwide. 

These personalised name badges make introductions easier and encourage relaxed and open communication between healthcare professionals and patients.

2. Language Badges

Language barriers cause many problems and impediments in the administration of effective healthcare. 

Language badges indicate the different languages healthcare workers speak, ensuring that patients who don’t speak the local language can communicate and receive the care and attention they need. 

By displaying the languages they are fluent in, healthcare professionals with diverse linguistic abilities can be easily identified, creating better communication and understanding in the medical and healthcare sector.

3. Pronoun Badges

Acknowledging and respecting gender diversity is a primary initiative for leading healthcare providers. 

Pronoun badges displaying "he/him," "she/her," or "they/them," provide a platform for healthcare professionals and patients to express their gender identity and easily share their preferred pronouns. 

Pronoun badges for healthcare workers help to show commitment to inclusivity. 

They create a safe space for patients to share their gender identity without fear of judgement or being accidentally misgendered and can eliminate inappropriate questions or assumptions.

4. Department Badges

Large healthcare institutions often have multiple departments, making navigation a complex and confusing task for patients. 

Department badges worn by healthcare workers can simplify things like finding specific areas or services. 

NHS department badges can be designed to be reusable and may be worn by different staff members and teams. 

With these badges, healthcare professionals are easily recognisable, ensuring patients can quickly locate the appropriate person. 

The use of department NHS badges enhances efficiency and helps patients feel more at ease in healthcare environments.

5. Rainbow Badges

The rainbow badge is a symbol of support for the LGBTQIA+ community. Rainbow badges are fun and colourful and may be printed or made of materials like enamel

Wearing these badges helps healthcare providers show that they deliver unbiased care, creating a safe and inclusive space for LGBTQIA+ patients. 

Rainbow badges are visible signs of acceptance, creating trust and open dialogue between healthcare professionals and patients who identify as LGBTQIA+.

6. ID Cards

ID cards are useful for identifying healthcare workers and communicating their areas of expertise.

Cards can go beyond displaying a name or professional information and may share other important information like languages spoken or affiliations with specific groups. 

Using ID cards for all healthcare workers, regardless of race, gender, or disability, unifies the workforce and challenges biases and assumptions. 

An inclusive representation of staff is beneficial for patients, especially for those from diverse or minority groups and cultivates a sense of trust and confidence. 

7. Customised lanyards

Customised lanyards offer numerous benefits in healthcare settings and can be combined with other NHS badges. 

They are an effective identification tool, allowing staff members to prominently display information like role, department, logo, and name. 

This facilitates easy recognition and communication among colleagues, patients, and visitors. 

Customised NHS lanyards can support a colour-coded system, quickly identifying healthcare professionals, teams or departments. 

This simplifies the coordination of care and ensures swift and appropriate responses. 

NHS lanyards can safely store access cards or keycards to restricted areas, preventing unauthorised access and enhancing patient protection.


NHS badges are much more than simply a means of identification. 

They can promote inclusivity in the NHS and help healthcare professionals and patients feel valued and respected. 

From name badges to pronoun badges to inclusive ID cards, all types of badges contribute to an overall sense of trust and respect. 

They can improve the patient experience by sharing information that encourages communication and makes patients feel safe. 

This enables healthcare providers and staff to meet their patients' needs better. 

Badges promote inclusivity within the healthcare sector and are a simple tool that effectively reflects diverse backgrounds, skills, minority groups, and abilities, translating to better patient care and comfort.